Sunday, January 23, 2011

Green Hornet 3D

Well this is one comic book character whose history I wasn't aware of. Sure I had seen Dragon the Bruce Lee story and knew that the character of Kato was his induction into western film making. Sure I'd seen their guest appearances in the Batman 60's TV show.  But the characters never crossed the great Atlantic divide, or at least not that I was aware of. My world revolved around Spiderman, the Hulk and Daredevil. These were the heroes of my youth and Green Hornet and Kato didn't register on my radar.
      So when I went to see this film on the weekend I went in blind which sometimes is the way I like to see a film. I the idea that Seth Rogen had written the script and was starring the trailers had played up the humor was another big draw making it look like a fun hip superhero comedy. Also this was the first converted 3D movie I have seen and right at the start I will say the 3D conversion has been done well. It’s understated, noticeable but not in your face. It didn’t add to the film but neither did it leave you with a sour taste in the mouth.
   In basic terms it’s a popcorn movie with a capital P.
   Michel Gondry handles the film with aplomb though it does feel a half hour too long and only due to Seth Rogen’s character of playboy anti hero being a little grating at times but Jay Chou steals the show, his Kato just stealing the movie be it  his dry humor and martial arts skills.
    It’s just a refreshing change from the recent spate of dark and moody action tales. This is no Dark Knight. Christoph Waltz’s villain is well handled and memorable and the action is well handled. Not once are you confused everything is clear and the use of the 3D for Jay Chou’s Kato version shows Michel Gondry bringing his A game. In fact there are a few nice Gondry touches that are unmistakably his own.
   The only criticism would be with Cameron Diaz’s character which seems a bit light and fluffy and in one or two character beats just seems a tad underwritten and really doesn’t bring much to the table. Hopefully if this does go to a sequel this will be addressed and hopefully they’ll progress and develop Seth Rogen’s character as there is only so much you can take of the playboy idiot character. We need to see some more intelligence and character progression.
   All in all not a bad film certainly not the disaster one would expect. It’s not Ironman which seems to be the angle it strives for. But it has the potential to develop as a franchise and I came away with a smile on my face.
    Now I eagerly await the arrival of Thor and after this weeks release of images of Captain America this summer or winter if in NZ looks like an exciting period for the Super hero franchises.

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