Saturday, December 10, 2011

Puss In Boots

Puss in Boots was a welcome diversion on a warm Sunday afternoon after the trials of Pre Christmas planning and the wifes dominance of the TV watching Cricket. I was sort of reluctant to see this film not having enjoyed the previous two Shrek adventures and expecting more of the same. How wrong can one be. This is an enjoyable little romp perfect for the holiday season and acts as a prequel and orgin tale all rolled into one taking place before his appearence in Shrek 2.
It works, this is a character that just plain works, in a tale that is not so in your face with the smart fairy tale references and knowing in jokes. For this reason I loved it, it has that magical mix of humour, overblown set peices and energy that only animation can deliver.
    Its no secret in my household that as a rabid Steven Spielberg fan (Jaws and Raiders being my regular comfort film fixes)I was holding out  for Tintin's arrival on these shores but this film has warmed me up for the Christmas glut of movies due to arrive in the next few weeks.
    The story is simple and well told, the jokes all hit their marks and Zach Galifinakis and Salma Hayek bring character to their respective roles. Not wanting to spoil too much this still has a fairy tale main plot in this case a heist involving Jack's Beanstalk and the goose that laid the golden egg. Zach voices Humpty Dumpty as a schemer and a dreamer and Salma a rival protaganist and potential love interest for our hero ,is the feline  Kitty Soft Paws. This is a great family film and extra kudo's for its use of 3D.
Animation is always a winner in 3D, and this film is a standout, adding depth where needed and scope and scale which supports its more eye opening fantastical spectalce. So a highly recommended from me.

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