Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas, Hobbit , Prometheus

Well my last week in work before the start of the seasonal holiday, was looking to be grim, but out of the gloom appeared three trailers which has set the old excitement gene into motion. First the Dark Knight Rises trailer which promises more Chris Nolan intelligent magic. Then that other master film maker releases his first trailer for the Hobbit. It starts off light and comedic but once that Tolkien penned song kicks in as sung by Thorin and the boys my hairs were standing up on the back on my neck. This is a promising debut and suitable introduction to the Hobbits  tone. I am officially excited.
    Alien is a special movie, it was one of the first horror movie I slipped into as a teenager Friday the 13th was my first and everything about it fired my imagination. But the biggest impression was that left by the influence of H R Geiger. His nightmarish manipulation of imagery both sexual and mechanical just blew me away. This coupled with Ridley Scott's excellent visual story telling  left an impressionable mark. So to see the Prometheus trailer debut this week was exciting. If I have one criticism it would be that the space tech on show seem's far ahead of that on display in Alien. Much has been written about Scott's attempts to distance himself from the Alien films but its clear from the trailer that this is a prequel and that there are enough visual clues in the trailer to suggest how this might pan out.
    You only have to visit AICN to see the idea's both common, and the more extreme about what the trailer is attempting to convey. But there is the Space Jockey , then the vials laid out like the egg chamber in Alien in front of a giant humanoid head  carved from stone. Scott's mention of Chariot of the Gods suggest that this is a tale that points to an Alien origin for mankind. If you haven't seen the trailer then its available on iTunes.
    In closing, have a Merry Christmas, thanks for visiting my blog, and happy movie going. I'm going to do some major catching up over the holiday period with my plan being to see Tintin, MI4 Ghost Protocol and whatever else catches my eye.I've also asked Santa for the Planet of the Apes 7 disc box set, and Attack of the Block as it hasn't been released in New Zealand yet so hopefully a little blu ray marathon is on the cards.Have a good one and have a happy new year. Hope you'' visit again soon.

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