Sunday, September 18, 2011

Shark Night 3D

I'm a sucker for Shark movies, and as I had been experiencing a drought of movies that appealed to me, and bound for time, this was the only convenient showing yesterday that I could make. My ideal choice would have been to attend a showing of the Irish cop movie The Guard. However I missed that showing by two hours and out of boredom I decided to see this film instead.

 Bad choice, this is the Shark equivelant of Snakes on a Plane, but at least that movie had Samuel L Jackson on board.Not supprisingly the director of this mess had directed Snakes.  I knew I wasn't seeing Shakespeare, but there are bad movies that are enjoyable in their being so bad. An then there is Shark Night 3D. A hopeless movie that fails as entertainment on all levels.

Basically a bunch of college grads, poorly written head to one of the members parents house on the Lake. A convenient salt water lake, that just happens to be populated with Sharks of differing varieties.
They die in various outlandish ways.  God do I need to go on. In places the 3D shines, but for the most part its barely noticeable. The characters are mere death fodder, you don't care for them and the script as written is bad. Really bad, supported by some seriously terrible acting.

There is a scream element in that their is a man made reason for the sharks being in the lake, and so towards the end we have the big reveal. This is so bad its just not worth writing about and the great reveal you can see coming a mile off. Like Snakes on a plane, the idea is all there in the title, but the journey is not worth the trip. If your bored, and this is the only movie showing save yourself some money, boot up Jaws in your DVD player and watch a classic , or even Deep Blue sea. Anything is better than this poorly written crap.

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