Saturday, April 9, 2011

Concept art world - Paul Gerrard this website is a Pandora's box of concept art for both the video game industry and film world. I discovered this site when looking for the artist responsible for the alien designs in Battle :Los Angeles. Paul Gerrard is the artisit responsible, he's british and this web site has some great examples of his style. The Doctor Who concept designs are particularly eye catching. Have a look around as this is just a taster of the artists whose work can be found there. There are some examples of Greg Broadmore of Doctor Grordborts"s fame. But if you like what you see and want to find out more about Mr Gerrard's work then take a look at his blog There is an almost Gigeresque quality to his work but its a hint Gerrard is deffinately his own visual stylist.

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