Sunday, December 19, 2010

Harry Potter

Well the lead up to Christmas and things get more exciting at the cinema. So far I have seen the latest installment in the Harry Potter franchise and found it to be a satisfying prelude to the big finale. It did require that I view the last installment again on blu ray prior to my visit to our local boutique cinema.
      The problem for me as a viewer is I am now in virgin territory having not read the books. Which means a multitude of plot points that will be omitted for the sake of filmic storytelling which might be vital to my understanding of the series. The last volume of his adventures i had read cover to cover was the Goblet of Fire. Order of the phoenix sits on my bookshelf part read. Im afraid that as the books have gone on I have found then more difficult to read. This is put down to excess padding. More brutal editing might make for a more satisfying read.
After revisiting the half blood prince I found myself primed for the latest installment, not only that but I found myself more fully understanding what initially was a confusing narrative and thank god. But because in this latest installment points raised in the Half blood prince become a primer for the events in this latest episode.
    I came away satisfied and eagerly awaiting the final installment. Thank god they didn't go 3D, having now seen the film I fail to see how with all the rapid inter cutting of fast paced action it could work. It would have been a migraine inducing experience. Also with a lot of scenes being intimate exposition between characters there would be a lack of spectacle and therefore nothing worthy of enhancement.

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