Saturday, December 1, 2012

The Hobbit Wellington Premiere

Well a great time was had by all, and as promised here are few pictures from the Wellington Premiere. It was a blazing hot Wednesday afternoon and there was a lot to see, and the air was buzzing with excitement  I've posted some of the clearer pictures I took , a lot of them involved avoiding heads, and other photographers didn't come out so great.

It was a long wait, the cavalcade of stars not arriving until about 4.30 pm at which time I had been waiting for two hours and was about ready to drop. But we were all in good spirits even if some of us were moaning about not getting a Gandalf style promotional Hobbit hat.  I had bought a Hobbit premiere t-shirt so looked the part, but as you will see from my pictures there were a lot of cosplay characters dotted around. I counted quite a few Hobbit s, 1 Gandalf and one Wring Wraith. Fortunately there were no Gollums present.

1 comment:

  1. Hello,
    I am not sure if you have received my message asking for the permission to reproduce one of your pictures about The Hobbit. I am writing an article on film tourism in Wellington. Your picture will be cited properly in my paper, if you give me your permission to do so.
    Please let me know your answer via my email address:
    Thank you very much for your consideration.
