Thursday, November 15, 2012

The lull before the Storm, Skyfall, Hobbits and Blu rays

Well things have been sort of quiet, most of the movies recently released in NZ have held very little appeal to me. Its sort of like having gorged myself and over indulged over the last three months of blockbuster season and having a mild case of cinematic indigestion.
I guess with the likes of the Avengers I had been spoiled. But recently I managed to catch and enjoy Karl Urban as the Icon Judge Dredd in Dredd.  A great adaptation of one of my favourite 2000AD characters that had the bad luck of having an almost identical plot to the Brilliant Raid. This film buried the memories of Stallone s take of the character and the film gets a lot more right than it gets wrong. A pity that financially it didn't break the US market. I sort of feel sick for making that comment. There seems to be something perverse about judging a films success based on its ability to make moolar at the US box office. It seems almost like I should be on the Deadline website passing judgement based on stats and box office breakdowns.

     Madagascar 3 was a bright, brilliant hilarious improvement on its two predecessors'  my son loved it and despite my lukewarm appreciation of parts 1 and 2 this for me delivered the goods and put a great big perma smile on my face.
     Frankenweenie  however was a disappointment  I appreciated it, but I didn't love it. It was retro Burton, well it is a remake of his live action Disney original.  Burton has a unique style maybe its time that tonally he revamped it and explored new visual stylings.

    Blu rays have been my viewing method of choice, with the Jaws release providing the most pleasure along with the comprehensive Prometheous blu ray. The film still doesn't work for me but Ridley Scott still delivers a great sci fi experience even when not firing at full capacity. The transfers are just breath taking and reinforce exactly why Blur ray is  the true cinephiles format of choice.

But Skyfall is a week away, and I have booked the afternoon off for the Hobbit premiere which is on the 28th November  and over the next week or so I will be roaming with my camera in the hope that I can get some great piccies to share on this blog. To give those of you who can't make it down here some sense of the occasion. Also I might publish some proper Blu ray reviews and share some of my collection. So hopefully things will pick up again as more exciting films head this way.
Catch you on my next post.

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