Monday, June 11, 2012

Catch up Men in Black 3 and Prometheus

Well since my last review I've found myself soaking up film news, mainly the Hobbit announcements, the most important of which being the plans for its premier in Wellington. Buzz words abound, 48 fps etc and I'm praying for this to cap my year. I'm not a Tolkien fan per se, I would never win a pub quiz, but I am a Jackson fan, I worship Weta's wonderful work  and I've found myself looking across towards Mirimar's Shelly Bay, as signs of film making activity could clearly be seen from my office Window.

But I did manage to catch one good movie, I enjoyed Men In Black 3 it was everything Men in Black 2 wasn't, Will Smith brought his A game and Josh Brolin was amazing in his portrayal of Agent K. I loved it, for being the surprise that it was, for its sense of fun and for the Time travel .

Prometheus mmm now I will be working up to a proper review but for now I will just give my initial thoughts. This deserved to be so much better than the cinematic mess that has emerged. I have never seen or heard such piss poor characterisation. Scott is still a striking visual stylist, and the special effects work is amazing, I'm an Alien fan but I will be quite clear, I wasn't seeing this as a prequel, I accepted Scott's promises that this was a different story, with a different DNA. But no matter how good the effects, or idea's on display, the creature design work was piss poor. When you embrace certain design elements from the Alien franchise , you had better deliver with the creatures. I'm not talking about xemorphs, but the basic DNA template that is one of the major threads of this tale. New creatures , hell yeah but knowing Weta brought them to life is all well and good but elements made me think of Jackson's Kong and in particular the pit, and hell guys those creations were more terrifying than anything in this film.
    I was also disappointed with the whole mankind meets his creator theme, as this was weakest area of the film the scripting not being up to the ideas being pushed. But what really grated was some very basic, piss poor characterisation.

    I didn't want alien, I read the reviews, I wanted something new, a new kind of terror, and I didnt get it. This film was neither terrifying or thought provoking, But elements I did like, the set design, the use of 3D and the fantastic opening which was both beautiful, violent and disturbing atone missing from the rest of the film.

Even now , my head is turning over the missed opportunities, and gaps, there are no real plot holes though it is a criticism I have read a lot in the last three days. It just doesn't explain anything, and you know sometimes, the horror is in the idea when fully explained.

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