Saturday, March 26, 2011


Based on the novel The Dark Fields by the writer Alan Glynn, Limitless tells us the story of young Eddie Morra (Bradley Cooper).  Morra is a couch potato not getting far in his life and whom the world is passing by. He's a writer unable to write, a man who contributes nothing to relationships, out of sorts with the world and making excuses for his lack of achievement. Then post breakup he bumps into his former brother in-law who offers him a little white pill and a business card. His intentions are clear.
NZT is a wonder drug designed to allow a users brain to realize its full potential, his first trial of the drug results in a cleaned up apartment and one completed manuscript. He is hooked, not addicted in the pure sense of the word but hooked to the power it provides and the potential benefits he had can envision.
But once bitten the shadows begin to close in.  With his gains through manipulation of the stock market he comes to the attention of bigger fish in the form of Robert De Niro’s character of Van Loon in a barely sketched out role that allows him to phone in his by the numbers performance. Added to this mix are a Russian moneylender and a mysterious figure that seems anxious to get hold of the pills that Morra has in his possession.
This is a pleasant diversion; it doesn’t leave a bad taste in the mouth. Bradley Cooper proves he has the acting chops to pull off an interesting role but this isn’t really the great thriller that the trailer promises. Neil Burger directs with style, but at the end of the day this is an okay film. It’s not the great thriller it promised to be, and there are area’s hinted at that this film had it chosen to explore would have made for a much more exciting feature. 

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