Monday, October 11, 2010

The big leap into the Blog o sphere

Well being a virgin at all this so begins my leap of faith into the blog wilderness. For me a grand adventure as I have a rough idea of the what I would like to blog about. But do my ambitions exceed my skill.

 I guess a given is that my blogs will cover my wide interests from art to film and the collecting of making of and art of books. No doubt I will also populate this blog with capsule film reviews and rambling thoughts which I hope in some small way might l entertain or arouse interest.  I'm a Welshman who has been living in Wellington New Zealand for four years after meeting my wife on the Internet. I'm a happy father who is trying to balance responsibility with being a big kid.
     Wellington, home of Weta, the Wot Wots, a  thriving art scene, a coffee addicts dream or nightmare. A foodies hell with every creed supports being it serious food, light food, or hell junk food.

  So bare with me, hopefully you will find my posts entertaining and not too boring.

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