Saturday, February 16, 2013

2013 and back in action

Well happy belated 2013, apologies for the silence but the year for our household started off with a few hiccups which saw us without wheels and having missed out on my planned trip to Hobbiton. But February has taken on a much more positive sheen and finances are being adjusted to accommodate the high cost of repairs. So normal movie going service will resume.
    Unfortunately for me this has meant missing about three movies I was looking forward to seeing on the big screen, But the beauty of blu ray  is that it no longer feels like I'm making a compromise. In fact on more than one occasion revisiting films on the format has proven to be a superior experience to having viewed the content on the big screen.
    So normal service is about to resume, with a few blu ray reviews of some classic films that were given to me as presents over the Christmas Period.
    So happy new year and catch you soon.

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