Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Hunt for the Jaws Blu Ray

Jaws, just the thought of it takes me back to the day my brother and I persuaded our babysitter to detour from the line for The Man Who Would be King in favour of the line for the film with a Poster that promised big sharks with big teeth. I was about 7 and the introduced me to the magic of Mr Spielberg, Duel , Close Encounters and my first cinematic love, Raiders of the Lost Ark.
   So yesterday I spent my lunch hour treking through Wellington, in search of the blu ray that was my own personal holy grail. My efforts went by unrewarded. Websites told me that 22 August was the New Zealand day of release. But I just couldn't find  a copy of it for love or money. What happened, why can't I find it anywhere. Not even my beloved JB Hi-Fi had a copy.
  So last night, I was down, today I spent yet another lunch hour in a fruitless search for the object of my obsession and still no joy.

   So a big thank-you to my wife who came to the rescue, yes I could've ordered online from Amazon. But nah so she took the matter in her own hands and ordered from a local supplier. If all goes well I will have the silver platter in my hands tomorrow night and I will be revisiting my favourite movie but this time in all its high def glory.
    I just wish I knew why I couldn't find it in JB

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Comeback and catch up

Well its been quiet on the blog recently, mainly due to the last three weeks or so dealing with family matters, hospital visits, and catching up with the folks back home via webcam, and skype. After seeing the Spider man film I was all movie d out and found it hard to motivate myself to go to the flicks. But that doesn't mean I gave up on movie s, nah, that's what blu ray is for. I reconnected with my favourite classic movies as my Amazon parcel belatedly arrived with film loving goodness. Top of which was viewing my Blu ray copy of The Italian Job with Michael Caine , which is an absolute fantastic transfer that allowed me to wallow in its pristine presentation.

But before I go on, I have to acknowledge two cinematic heroes passing away. Firstly the marvellous Marvin Hamlisch who as a Bond fanatic I have to acknowledge for his brilliant theme for the Spy Who Loved me. Lastly Tony Scott, whatever way he left this earth, and for whatever reasons I will miss his cinematic eye and storytelling prowess. There is a small select group of movies that I constantly revisit. Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, The Frighteners, The Italian Job, Die Hard, Star Wars and amongst those classics, The Last Boy Scout. So tonight I will be watching that gem soaking up Shane Blacks brilliant acidic dialogue and feeling the sadness wash over me.

So a toast to Mr T Scott, thanks for the great movies you delivered, and the memories I have.
Normal service is about to be resumed when I visit the cinema to see Total Recall and maybe add a few Blu ray reviews to the site.

I missed you but now I'm back.