Saturday, February 11, 2012

Normal service is about to resume

Apologies for the lack of posts, but due to circumstances beyond my control I have been out of action for the past few weeks due to ill health and lack of internet access. But as you can see I am back in the land of the living after battling bronchitis and intermittent Internet access.
Prior to my illness I saw the wonderful, magical Hugo 3D a brilliant children's tale and a marvellous love letter to film. Directed with a master's touch by Martin Scorcese this is a masterful use of 3D and a film  which captures a unique take on the world through the eyes the films hero the orphan Hugo. The last time I experienced something this magical it was viewing the film Amelie but this has the added spectacle of 3D which is used with almost a painters eye to draw us into the world of Hugo and equally the early days of cinema.
    Today my first trip to the cinema since coming down with this bug was to finally view the Girl with the Dragon tattoo. David Fincher's take on Stieg Larsson's first part of his Millennium trilogy. Now right of the bat I'll be clear, I haven't seen the original Swedish take on Stieg's tale and I certainly haven't read the original novels. But I'm a Fincher fan, and this tale worked for me, in places I found it predictable but the acting is all top notch and the tale is told with pace. Its a film that doesn't pull its punches and doesn't outstay its welcome. Rooney Mara is simply hypnotic as Lisbeth Salander and is well served by Daniel Craig as Blomkvist.
   Meanwhile the news that the big Yin, Mr Billy Connelly was officially joining the cast of the Hobbit had me hoarsely whooping for joy and made up for my missing the Hobbit Extra casting call, due to ill health and missing the Internet deadline for online applications. Still hey ho.
  So now I'm back in action and already the signs are promising for the next few weeks at my local cinema.
  So normal service is about to resume so watch this blog

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