Tuesday, June 7, 2011

X Men First Class

After the disappointment of Pirates 4 I needed perking up. As an origin tale this film delivers  like an express train.  No opportunity is wasted,  no excess baggage just nice tight story telling that efficently propels you through the tale being told.
      Kevin Bacon makes for an impressive understated villain Sebastien Shaw. Having it in the 60's makes for a classy affair. Of a special note Michael Fassbender as Eric Lensherr (Magneto) steals the film reminding me of Connery in his Bond heyday. and James McCafoy as Professor X delivers as well from an overly  self absorbed playboy figure into the founder and guiding light of the X Men .
     Damn it this feels like a Bond film, with mutants. It has that 60's chic, a worthy opponent with global ambitions , gadgets. Femme fatals and explosive action. Hell I even loved the music.

 Like Blond this is a globe trotting affair but on speed with some outstanding set pieces and is a great return to form for the franchise. With some nice cameo's included to boot. As an origin tale it works well, the birth of Magneto is stunning from a man obsessesed with hunting down Nazis's in a brutal and vengful fashion this tale pulls no punches.

Eric Lensherr's quest leads to a ruthless excercise in revenge at a  Bank that had my teeth on edge and Argentina figures in another scene made me think Fassbender would make a great Bond if Craig ever leaves the role. His journey to becoming Magneto is a painful and at the same time redeeming journey and he holds the screen.
The journey is well worth taking and at the moment I feel spoiled , what with Thor and now this I can't wait for the other biggies heading my way. Next week I hope to see Super 8 and as a Spielberg fan I just hope things keep getting better.

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