Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Thor 3D Review

This latest Marvel character to reach the big screen does so with an Epic and energetic debut which sets it apart from his predecessors.
     A powerful but arrogant warrior, Thor ( Chris Hemsworth)  is cast out from Asgard by his father Odin for reigniting an age old conflict with the Frost Giants. Banished to Earth stripped of his powers he must learn humility and what it is to be human with the assistance of Jane Foster (Natalie Portman)
     Employing Kenneth Branagh to direct is inspired, from Henry V, through to Pete's Friends and Hamlet this is an actor who has proved himself an excellant director and visual stylist. He has proved he can mix character and spectacle which this film calls for. Though some characters yearn for fleshing out such as the warriors 3 no doubt to keeping things at a fast pace there is so much that is right. Tom Hiddelston as Thor's brother Loki is well fleshed out and three dimensional. Anthony Hopkins brings a commanding performance to Odin conflicted by his roles of Father and leader. Also Stellan Skarsgard as Erik Selvig and Idris Elba's Heimdall warrant special mention. In fact the casting is what makes this film.
    Thor's abilities on the page could have translated to the big screen as ridiculous in lesser hands but in this they are eye candy.
    This film delivers, it has weight, spectacle and leave's you wanting more. My only critism is the use of 3D. In some scenes it is well used, but in the darker scenes is hardly noticeable. So its down to choice if you see the 3D version of 2D. You will not really be missing out. Roll on Captain America I eagerly await his arrival.

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