Saturday, November 27, 2010

Tron the christmas blockbuster season has begun

Now we are past the events of the Hobbit debacle, my mind turns towards the Christmas season at my local cinemas. It began for me yesterday with the latest chapter in the Harry Potter Franchise, a much more satisfying chapter in the series , darker, with less plot setting to get through. The stakes are now known to our heroes and it now their turn to bring the battle to Voldermart.
     On the whole a very satisfying start to the impeding holiday season. But my heart is set for Tron, the sequel to the 80's Disney classic. At the time of its release it was heralded as a new dawn in filmic storytelling. Unfortunately though groundbreaking it wasn't box office record breaking material and so it has taken nearly 25 years for its sequal to make and appearence.
     From the initial designs that have leaked, the comicon test footage, I have keenly been awaiting its release and also the fact that it will be in 3D which seems strangely fitting for this title. That and the fact that Jeff Bridges will be portraying his older self, and through the use of digital technology a much younger computer alter ego.